Well actually this post begins on Saturday night, when I colored 24 eggs in what seemed like a really long time! I double, even triple dipped some of the eggs to perfection. Okay, maybe I worked too hard at it... but that's me!
I had an audience the whole time :)
So Sunday morning Danny and I went to Church with my mom, then picked up the Grandmas on our way home. We had the ham in the oven, and we were ready to eat!! Cerena, Greg, and Greg's parents shortly arrived and we ate and drank and ate some more... so good!
After a really yummy lunch we went next door to continue celebrating with our neighbors Bleu, Noell, and Mia. The sun was out, and its was the perfect day to be sitting around on a porch eating Angel Food Cake, fresh fruit, and Flourless Chocolate Cake with a glass of wine. (Notice that wheel barrel of nicely colored eggs!!)
Noell and my mom had set up an Easter Egg hunt in our two back yards for the 5 kids (yes, we are considered kids in this scenerio..) What we didn't realize until we got there, was that in addition to over a hundred eggs with candy and prizes, they also hid 2 cases of Corona, Victoria, and Pacifico! (Bleu and Noell work for Corona...) Some eggs were designated for Mia, and all of the others were fair game between the rest of us. We had wayyy too much fun being competetive searchers. In the end, we came away with a lot of great prizes, chocolate, beer, wine, etc........ Can't complain :)