We got an early start this year with the 5K Turkey Trot in Naperville at 8am. I was the official group photographer / sweatshirt holder / water bottle filler / cheering section. It was really tough. Danny was an illegitimate-nonregistered runner, but there were SO many people that it didn't really matter. He kept Greg company, while Cerena and my mom kept a steady pace walk/running not toooo far behind. I was very proud of all of the them! It really started the day of right.
After the strenuous 5K... we made our way home to start the cooking extravaganza. We cooked and cooked and cooked; a lot of work but a LOT of fun to be together with my mom and sister. Cerena made the cutest place settings out of pinecones from the yard, and let me show off my calligraphy skills with everyone's names.
Granny was brought in it at the end to help the vegetarian carve the turkey. Cerena and Katie did a good job on the HUGE turkey. (We are still enjoying leftovers by the way! )
Of course, through all of this I notoriously forgot to take pictures of the guests! I really need to get better at this...
BLACK FRIDAY!! We let those coupons lead the way.... all the way to Oakbrook.
We shopped until we literally dropped! It was a really fun (and successful) day, hitting up two good "door busters". We ended the day in a sleigh in the middle of a department store, which seemed totally normal at the time. Haha. Danny and my dad met us for a great dinner at D.O.C. Winebar in Yorktown. I would definitely recommend it. Such a fun filled holiday!
It was nice staying put in Plainfield/Chicago for the entire holiday, but we're also really looking forward to seeing Danny's family at Christmas!